Wellness Talks & Lectures

Duke University Medical Center

Durham Public Schools Mindfulness Teachers Conference

UNC-Chapel Hill School of Social Work


North Carolina Wellness Fest


Loving Me After We Inner Circle Membership


Featured Podcasts

Dr. Justine is available for interviews, media appearances, and wellness talks. Please contact her to discuss this further and to get additional information.


How Our Nervous System Responds to Trauma” on The Parentologist PodCast

Learn about the 4 Trauma Responses (Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn/people-pleasing) and some tips for rewiring the Fawn Response into Grounded Confidence.


“People-Pleasing And Trauma” On Empowered With Revie

Why Dr. Justine does what she does- Recognizing if you are a people-pleaser- Understanding family dynamics- Boundaries- Tips on how to gain new perspective - Understanding your values- Processing anger- How trauma impacts the body- The 3 'scanning' areas: Environmental, Interpersonally, Internally- Hypervigilant v Empath- Coaching yourself on the queues of safety- Grounding yourself.